Community Partners

Partnerships and Programs


Neighborhood Spotlight Series

We invite community partners, Los Angeles County agencies, and others to join our monthly staff meetings to raise awareness of local resources, and to foster opportunities for connection and collaboration between DHS and our community partners.

Contact us here if your organization is interested.


Increasing Access to Healthy Foods

We partner with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s Nutrition and Physical Activity, DPH Antelope Valley Regional Health Office (SPA 1), and LA Regional Food Bank to implement the CalFresh Healthy Living program, which includes support to implement NO-COST fresh produce giveaway events in Antelope Valley at High Desert Regional Health Center and Antelope Valley Wellness Community.

Learn more.


Books for Baby Bears

We partner with the Book Foundation to promote healthy language development and early literacy by providing children with age-appropriate and stimulating books at routine well-child visits at High Desert Regional Health Center.


ACEs Aware Network of Care Grant Participant

In January 2021, the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) in partnership with the Office of the California Surgeon General (CA-OSG) announced $30.8 million in ACEs Aware grant funding awarded to 35 organizations across California to build and strengthen robust “networks of care” to effectively respond to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress with community-based health and social supports that meet the needs of children, adults, and families. AVENUE is proud to be a "Convener" partner in this collaborative effort with the LA County Department of Health Services, One Degree, and First 5 LA Help Me Grow, and will assist community navigators to identify and connect with community partners and agencies in the Antelope Valley.

Contact us here if your organization is interested in connecting with one of our community navigators to learn more about our work.


Antelope Valley Health Neighborhood Partnership

We partner with the Antelope Valley Health Neighborhood (AVHN), a community collaborative organized by DMH seeking to improve access to care and increase the health of residents in the Antelope Valley. AVENUE assists the AVHN in putting out a weekly newsletter filled with resources, food distributions, and community events all happening in the Antelope Valley. To improve visibility and impact of these resources, AVENUE also assisted in redesigning a new website for AVHN and instagram page for AVHN (@avhealthneighborhood).

Mental Health Navigation Partnership

We partner with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health to connect DHS pediatric patients and families with a Transition Age Youth (TAY) and Youth Navigator to improve linkages to pediatric mental health services in the AV.